利用OS X內建的快照功能抓圖!

Mac OS X暗藏了不少方便又實用的功能, 例如用來抓圖的快照. 假使各位在各種情況下需要將螢幕上看到的圖片畫面擷取下來, 輕鬆學會這套技巧就受用無窮啦!



[本文由 “我的第一本蘋果書Tiger“作者詹凱盛提供, 轉載請註明出處]

9 thoughts on “利用OS X內建的快照功能抓圖!”

  1. 這也太厲害了吧~




  2. Windows上如果要截圖的話可以試試看這個 MWSnap, 雖然沒辦法像OS X內建截圖功能ㄧ樣順手, 不過也算是Windows上面相當好的解決方案嘍!

  3. Yep, its such a handy tool,
    Seteve jobs says “fuck PDFs and copy right protections! lets give our users the ultimate tool of pirating.”

  4. so….
    next time when you guys are pirating.
    just keep the nice thoughts and tell your self you’re only backing up the precious hard work of many artists!

  5. 如果只是單純的screen shot,那跟盜版有什麼關係?


  6. Taking a snapshot of a web page or any, should not be considered as pirating. Unfortunately, if you snapshot or copy others, for public use in order to get yourself a privilege or for money making, that’s a problem of copyright. That’s should be a common sense to all of us !!!

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